Cincy Sports Scene

CSS # 122: Commissioner for the Day!

David Wolferst Episode 122

"This week, we’ve got a packed episode for you! The Bearcats are fighting for their tournament hopes—is Wes Miller the man to right the ship? FC Cincinnati took a tough loss, but there are reasons to stay optimistic! Plus, the Reds are gearing up for the season, but who’s stepping up as the 5th starter, and should we be worried about Spencer Steer? And, of course, we can’t leave out the Bengals—where do they rank in Cincinnati’s championship hierarchy? We’ll break it all down."

"Then, it’s time to test your sports knowledge with our weekly trivia question! Think you’ve got the answer? Be the first to email us at or hit us up on Instagram or Twitter at Cincy Sports Scene for a chance to get a shoutout on next week’s episode!"

"And finally, this week’s Topic of the Week—it’s time to play Commissioner for the Day! If you had the power to change one thing in MLB, the NFL, the NBA, or college sports, what’s your first move? New rules? Major shake-ups? We’re making our calls, and we want to hear yours!"

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