Cincy Sports Scene

CSS #121: The Best Ever Mt. Rushmore Challenge

David Wolferst

This week the guys bring in a special guest:  Mr. Sam Fronk to liven up the show.

During the Week that Was, we talk UC Basketball's chances for making the Big Dance, Followed by FCC big win to kick off the MLS season.  Baseball is back and we are excited to talk Reds baseball again!  

The Best Ever Mt. Rushmore Challenge pits each host against each other in a regional showdown.  Tune in and see which host had the best Mt. Rushmore for their region.  Was is Sam Fronk with the East, Sam with the South, Charlie in the West or was it Dave with the homers in the Midwest?  

Let us know on our social media accounts who won.  If you think you could do better let us know that as well.

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