Cincy Sports Scene

CSS #117: Big Game Breakdown, plus Our Cincy Confidence Picks

David Wolferst Episode 117

The gang is back with their Confidence Picks and The Big Game Breakdown.  

Before the guys get to the CFP breakdown, they discuss the week that was in Cincinnati Sports.  UC and XU both went 2-0 in BB games this past week.  The Bengals , are they waiting until the Championship game is over to name their new Defensive Coordinator?  List to see what odds we give that Al Golden becomes  the next DC in Bengals History.  The Reds helped the Dodgers Sign Rory to a contract by trading International signing money for a LA OF prospect.  
Who wins our confidence picks heading into the 2025 season?  Dave, Charlie and Sam have a passionate debate on which team will be the most successful  in Cincinnati next season.  
Finally, we get to the Big Game Breakdown.  Sam breaks down Ohio State's chances to win and Charlie tells what  Notre Dame must do to walk alway victorious.  

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